Version 1.1 by Sebastian Marsching on 2022/04/03 13:57


In addition to the dependencies for MEDM I had to install the following packages:

  • libgif-dev
  • libpng-dev
  • libxtst-dev

Under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS I had to modify the file extensions/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.linux-x86_64.linux-x86_64 in order to make X11_LIB and MOTIF_LIB to point to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu. In addition to that I had to modify the file edmMain/Makefile and add the line USR_LDFLAGS_Linux += -Wl,--no-as-needed as described on the EPICS mailing-list.


Compiling MEDM on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (lucid lynx)

If EPICS base is installed in /my/epics/path/base, you should extract the EPICS extensions top directory bundle to /my/epics/path, so that a new directory /my/epics/path/extensions is created. The MEDM source archive should be extracted to /my/epics/path/extensions/src. You should then switch to /my/epics/path/extensions/src/medm3_1_5 and run make.

In addition to a lot of development packages I had already installed, I had to install the following packages:

  • libmotif-dev
  • libxmu-dev
  • libxp-dev
  • libxt-dev
  • x11proto-print-dev


Compiling synApps on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (lucid lynx)

In order to compile synApps 5.5 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, I had to install the following packages (other packages might be needed as well):

  • flex
  • libusb-dev

In order to compile synApps 5.6 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, I had to install the following packages (other packages might be needed as well):

  • re2c
  • libbz2-dev
  • libfreetype6-dev
  • libpng-dev
  • libusb-dev
  • libxext-dev
  • libxml2-dev


In addition to the dependencies listed for EDM and MEDM I had to install the following packages:

  • libxpm-dev


Codes for Tracing I/O Operations

/* traceMask definitions*/
#define ASYN_TRACE_ERROR     0x0001
#define ASYN_TRACEIO_DEVICE  0x0002
#define ASYN_TRACEIO_FILTER  0x0004
#define ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER  0x0008
#define ASYN_TRACE_FLOW      0x0010

/* traceIO mask definitions*/
#define ASYN_TRACEIO_NODATA 0x0000
#define ASYN_TRACEIO_ASCII  0x0001
#define ASYN_TRACEIO_ESCAPE 0x0002
#define ASYN_TRACEIO_HEX    0x0004