Better entropy in virtual machines
I had the problem that a Tomcat 7 server in a virtual machine would take ages to start, even though there were only a few rather small applications deployed in it. I think that these problems first appeared after upgrading to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, but this might just have been a coincidence. Fortunately, the log file gave a hint to the cause of the problem:
INFO: Creation of SecureRandom instance for session ID generation using [SHA1PRNG] took [206,789] milliseconds.
INFO: Server startup in 220309 ms
So the initialization of the random number generator (RNG) was responsible for most of the startup time. When you think about it, this is not that surprising: When the system has just booted, there is virtually no entropy available, so the read from /dev/random might block for a very long time. In a physical system, one can use something like haveged or a hardware RNG to fill the kernel's entropy pool, but what about a virtual machine?
Luckily, in recent versions of Linux KVM and libvirt, there is a way to feed entropy from a virtualization host to a virtual machine. In the virtual machine, the device appears as a hardware RNG (/dev/hwrng). Have a look at my wiki for a configuration example.
In the virtual machine, one still needs to read the data from the virtual RNG and feed it into the kernel's entropy pool. For this purpose, the daemon from the rng-tools package does a good job.
Using the combination of haveged in the VM host and rng-tools in the VM, I could significantly boost the startup time of the Tomcat server:
INFO: Server startup in 11831 ms