Changes for page Zimbra Collaboration Server
Last modified by Sebastian Marsching on 2022/05/29 13:59
From version 2.1
edited by Sebastian Marsching
on 2022/04/03 22:56
on 2022/04/03 22:56
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To version 1.1
edited by Sebastian Marsching
on 2022/04/03 22:51
on 2022/04/03 22:51
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... ... @@ -43,16 +43,13 @@ 43 43 However, for OpenDKIM and [SpamAssassin](, you also want to trust your other mail servers. You can get this effect by editing the configuration files and adding the appropriate IP addresses there: 44 44 45 45 `/opt/zimbra/conf/` (Zimbra 8 only): 46 -``` 47 -%%zimbraMtaMyNetworksPerLine%% 48 - 49 -[2001:db8::1]/128 50 -``` 51 -`/opt/zimbra/conf/`: 52 -``` 53 -%%uncomment VAR:zimbraMtaMyNetworks%%trusted_networks %%zimbraMtaMyNetworks%% [2001:db8::1]/128 54 -``` 55 55 47 + %%zimbraMtaMyNetworksPerLine%% 48 + 49 + [2001:db8::1]/128 50 + 51 + %%uncomment VAR:zimbraMtaMyNetworks%%trusted_networks %%zimbraMtaMyNetworks%% [2001:db8::1]/128 52 + 56 56 In recent Zimbra versions (ZCS 8.5 and newer) it might be more elegant to add your own `trusted_networks` line to `/opt/zimbra/data/spamassassin/localrules/`. 57 57 58 58 **Important note:** Earlier versions of this tutorial suggested also adding the hosts to the `@mynetworks` list in ``. However, this is not a good idea because it will cause [SpamAssassin]( to treat all e-mail as "submitted" by an authenticated client and thus it will also treat all hosts as trusted, even if it would not otherwise (as explained on the [SpamAssassin mailing list]( For this reason, `zimbraMtaMyNetworks` should only contain the Zimbra server itself and the `@mynetworks` option in the Amavis configuration should not be changed.