Änderungen von Dokument IPv6

Zuletzt geändert von Sebastian Marsching am 2022/05/29 14:06

Von Version 3.1
bearbeitet von Sebastian Marsching
am 2022/05/29 14:02
Änderungskommentar: Es gibt keinen Kommentar für diese Version
Auf Version 2.1
bearbeitet von Sebastian Marsching
am 2022/05/29 13:52
Änderungskommentar: Renamed back-links.



... ... @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
94 94  
95 95  the `/64` subnet to the DomU, without having to change any configuration within the Dom0.
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97 -1. The IPv6 address space is vast: If we have a `/48` subnet for the whole Xen host and we use a `/64` subnet for each DomU, we can create up to nearly 2^16 DomUs on one Xen host. These are more DomUs than you will ever run on a single Xen host.
97 +1. The IPv6 address space is vast: If we have a `/48` subnet for the whole Xen host and we use a `/64` subnet for each DomU, we can create up to nearly 2^16 [DomUs](https://sebastian.marsching.com/wiki/DomUs) on one Xen host. These are more [DomUs](https://sebastian.marsching.com/wiki/DomUs) than you will ever run on a single Xen host.
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99 99  In order to make this setup work, we still have to ensure that the script `/etc/xen/scripts/vif-routed-ipv6` is called on the startup of a DomU. The easiest way is to patch `/etc/xen/scripts/vif-routed` using the following patch:
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