Änderungen von Dokument IPv6

Zuletzt geändert von Sebastian Marsching am 2022/05/29 14:06

Von Version 4.1
bearbeitet von Sebastian Marsching
am 2022/05/29 14:06
Änderungskommentar: Es gibt keinen Kommentar für diese Version
Auf Version 3.1
bearbeitet von Sebastian Marsching
am 2022/05/29 14:02
Änderungskommentar: Es gibt keinen Kommentar für diese Version



... ... @@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
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341 341  In my case, the actual setup is even a bit more complex: I do not want the internal router to be a single point of failure. For the DSL router on the edge of the network this is acceptable because there is no reasonable way to avoid this. A simple router box is also less likely to fail than a "real" computer and software updates requiring a reboot are less frequent, too.
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343 -I will not discuss here the details of the fail-over setup of the network interfaces. I use a [[HA solution|doc:Linux.Open_vSwitch.WebHome|anchor="fail-over-interface"]] involving OpenVSwitch. For the rest of this tutorial, it is assumed that fail-over is working for the network interfaces and that the network interface facing the Internet router (`eth0`) uses the same MAC address on all nodes of the HA cluster and is only active on a single node at once.
343 +I will not discuss here the details of the fail-over setup of the network interfaces. I use a [HA solution](https://sebastian.marsching.com/wiki/Linux/OpenVSwitch#Using_Open_vSwitch_for_a_high-availability_.2F_fail-over_interface) involving OpenVSwitch. For the rest of this tutorial, it is assumed that fail-over is working for the network interfaces and that the network interface facing the Internet router (`eth0`) uses the same MAC address on all nodes of the HA cluster and is only active on a single node at once.
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345 345  The remaining challenge is to ensure that the DHCPv6 client uses the same prefix when fail-over from one node to another one happens. If the prefix changed, existing connections would be interrupted.
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