OSGi Platform

Version 2.1 by Sebastian Marsching on 2022/05/27 22:41

Running a JBoss client within OSGi

I found two possible solutions for accessing EJBs provided by JBoss from within an OSGi bundle:

Creating a bundle containing the JBoss Client libraries

The first (and preferred) solution is creating an OSGi bundle that contains the JBoss libraries.

I got the basic idea for this solution from a tutorial about JBoss EJB and Eclipse RCP. However, I had to perform some changes as the Export-Package declaration contained packages which were causing conflicts in my OSGi environment.

In order to create the JBoss bundle, I used Eclipse's "Plug-in from existing JAR archives" project wizard. There I selected the jbossall-client.jar and chose not to "Unzip the JAR archives into the project" and created the new plugin project using the plugin-id org.jboss.client.

Then I edited the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF in order to narrow the list of exported packages. When I did not do this, I got problems because of collisions with the same packages in other bundles. I used the following list of exported packages:


The I exported the plugin, creating a bundle JAR. In the application bundle I added a Require-Bundle: org.jboss.client header in order to make the JBoss client library available to the application. I also placed the EJB interfaces in the classpath of the application bundle.

After doing this, I could simply get the EJBs using JNDI, e.g. using Spring:

<jee:jndi-lookup id="testEJB" jndi-name="testear/TestEJB/remote" resource-ref="true">

Placing JBoss JARs within the application bundle

The other method, that worked for me, was placing the JBoss JARs inside the application bundle:

I copied all JARs (except jaxb-xjc.jarm which was broken and therefore caused problems with the BND plugin) from the JBoss client directory into the application bundle. Then I added all the JARs to the Bundle-ClassPath header.

As I was using the Maven BND plugin, I had to ensure, that not all missing packages were imported and not all available packages were imported. Therefore I made sure not to use * in neither <Import-Package> nor <Export-Package>. In fact, I even used !* in <Import-Package>.

After performing these steps, getting the EJB using JNDI worked without problems.